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The Dome of the Cathedral

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The Dome of the Cathedral is the most extraordinary work by Filippo Brunelleschi.
Inaugurated on March 25, 1436, in the presence of Pope Eugene IV, scholars still have not completely solved the mystery of its construction.

Even today it is the largest masonry dome ever built with an internal diameter of 45.5 meters and external of 54.8 meters.

The hill to the Lanterna, from where you can enjoy a breathtaking view over the whole city of Florence, allows the visitors to walk between the Dome twice.

“Whoever never so hard or so envious did not praise Pippo as an architect, seeing here such a large structure, raised above and skies, to cover all his Tuscan people with his shadow, without any help from trusses or copying timber, such as artifice certainly, if I am well-fooled, as at this time it was incredible to be able, so perhaps later the ancients were neither known nor known? ”
(Leon Battista Alberti, De pictura)

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